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drink and drive law

This page explains the penalties for driving while intoxicated by alcohol, drugs, or other substances, as well as the UAE Traffic Rules that apply.

The federal law that governs traffic and cars, Federal Law No. 21 of 1995, and its amendments. Additionally, the law outlines the consequences for traffic violations and the procedures that go along with them, such as the Drink and drive law.

Drink and drive law in UAE

It is strictly forbidden to drive any vehicle for the driver of any vehicle under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, or the like, regardless of whether the consumption of alcohol, narcotics, or the like is legal or not, in accordance with the traffic rules in the UAE.

It shall be understood that such restriction is based on the principles of the traffic safety, while the influence of an alcoholic/narcotic substances is affecting the driver’s capacity to have the control over the vehicle and increasing the risk of the occurrence of an accident.

According to UAE legal practice there is zero tolerance to drink while driving.

By virtue of the Article No. 10.6 of the Traffic Law the driver of any vehicle shall abstain from driving while under the effect of wine or an alcoholic or narcotic substance or the like.

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Drunk and drive fine in UAE

The driver who violates this requirement shall be subject to criminal sanctions – imprisonment and /or a minimum fine of twenty thousand Dhs (AED 20,000) as per Article No. 49.6 of the Traffic Law.

The penalty may be imposed for both driving drunk and attempting to drive under the influence of an alcohol or narcotic substances and the like.

The person driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or any other narcotic or the like may be also arrested (refer to the Article . No. 59.3 of the Law).

In addition to the original penalties, the court may impose derivative measures:

  • Suspend the driving license for a specific period not less than three months and not more than two years) and deprive the convicted driver of the right to obtain a new license for a future period after the expiry date of the suspended license.
  • Deprive the convict from the right to obtain a driving license for a specific period if he does not hold a license at the time of conviction.

Deprivation of the right to obtain a license or suspension of one implies its invalidity during the period of suspension or deprivation as well as the illegality of obtaining another license during this period.

It seems that even after conducting campaigns and issuing warnings, there are still a lot of people who drink and drive. This is actually because, they think they can manage driving even after drinking. Most of them takes it as a carefree issue and what happens is that, they put themselves in risk and may need yo face bad situations.

The consequences that you need to face for a drink and drive law offense are not good and almost 14% of the road accidents that occur in a year are due to careless drink and driving issues.

Traffic rules govern all residents of the Emirates in order to control traffic and maintain the safety of everyone.

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Maher Mahmoud Al Khalaf

Jouslin Khairallah

Founder & Managing Director

Jouslin Khairallah is the Founder & Managing Director of Khairallah Advocates and Legal Consultants. She’s one of the top lawyers in Dubai. 

+971 4 427 0845

Frequently Asked Questions about the UAE’s Drunk Driving Law AND Traffic Rules

1-What is the punishment for drunk and drive in UAE?

According to Article No. 49 of the Traffic Law, any driver who is discovered driving while intoxicated faces up to one year in jail and a minimum fine of AED 25,000. The punishment depends on whether or not the offender was drinking while driving.

2-How can clear black points in Dubai?

Enroll in a course offered by the traffic police department. Consider the Redemption Program. Pay a fine with special discounts available, such as those offered by the traffic police department during Ramadan.

3-What is the punishment for driving without a license in UAE?

The Public Prosecution in the UAE has reminded the general public that anyone using a motor vehicle must possess a current license granted by the relevant authorities.

4- What is the punishment for drinking alcohol in Dubai?

If you are found drinking alcohol without a license, you could face fines, six months in jail, or both. If you are found to be operating a vehicle while inebriated, the court may impose fines and jail time.

So, if you are in a bad situation, try to hire attorneys from a leading law firm who can help you overcome your current situation and can make you stay on the right track. Khairallah Advocates & Legal Consultants, one of the best law firms in UAE, can assist you in any of the drink and drive related cases.

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