Lifting Work Ban or labour ban
If you have a work ban in UAE, also known as visa ban or labour ban and want to get lifted before it expires in 6 months or 1 year time, you should read further.
A six months ban in UAE is most usually imposed on an employee when he/she leaves the job without completing two years of contract with the company or the employer.
A one year ban in UAE may be a compulsory basis on company’s request when the employee leaves or resign the job before completing the limited period contract based on the agreed terms and conditions.
You can go to labor lawyers in UAE in order to obtain legal advice on the UAE labor law.
Simply, if the employee have not completed a period of two year contract with the current employer, then the employee will be automatically banned by the Ministry of Labour for a period of six months. In case of a limited period contract, the company may request to the Ministry of Labour for a one year work ban in UAE.
If you want to lift work ban, provided that you will receive an NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the company who cancelled your labor card. Ministry of Labor will impose the ban when the employee leaves the sponsoring employer before the expiry of the labor card provided that the employer’s NOC is not accompanied with the cancellation/transfer request.
Ministry of Labor may also lift the work ban without the requirement of NOC in the instances that the employer has violated the terms of the employment contract and the Minister of Labor or the Court has found in favor of the employee who was entitled to terminate the contract early or without the statutory notice period.
If you want lawyers in UAE for labor law, you can contact our law firm in the UAE.
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Transfer of sponsorship
For the expatriates (non nationals), along with the right to live in UAE have the right to work. For expatriates, it is required to be sponsored by his/her employer, so that they can acquire an employment visa and work permit. In case of certain unsatisfactory conditions like less salary, the employees can change their jobs by transferring the sponsorship from one employer to another. The employee should obtain the consent of his/her previous employer so that it will not affect the transfer of sponsorship. The employee need to serve at least one year of continuous service with the present employer. If the employee couldn’t complete one year of service and wish to change the ownership, the sponsorship transfer application could still be accepted by the Ministry of Labour but an additional fee would be payable.
The request for the transfer of sponsorship should be done within 1 month from the expiry / cancellation of the previous sponsorship along with the required fee of 200 Dhs and the NOC from the previous employer.
Source of law (UAE Labour Law)
- UAE federal law no 8 of 1980 articles 6, 121, 128 and 129.
- Ministerial Decision no 8 of 2006; Cabinet Decision no 3 of 1977.
FAQs about the UAE labor ban | Lift Work Ban
1-Is there a labor ban in UAE?
If an expat employee quits their job without a valid reason before the conclusion of their contract, the UAE’s labor legislation imposes a one-year labor prohibition. According to the employment contract, an employee must give a written notice of termination that is at least 30 days long and no longer than 90 days.
2-How long is labour ban in UAE?
What is the Duration of a Labor Ban? Depending on the Ministry of Labour’s decision and at the request of your employer, a labor restriction may last for a period of six months or a full year. You are unable to obtain an employment visa during this time, therefore you are unable to engage in lawful employment in the nation.
3-How can I remove 6 months labour ban in UAE?
The six-month ban may be lifted, according to the UAE Ministry of Labor.
However, under the new UAE labor laws, the employee and employer must mutually agree to have the 6-month ban lifted before the work visa and employment can be terminated.
It is always a wise decision to seek legal assistance from a reputed labour law firm such as Khairallah Advocates & Legal Consultants, UAE. If you get a work ban in UAE, make the legal consultation fast with the best law firms in dubai and get proper legal assistance from the experts.
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sir i have been working for 5 days started last December 24, 2013, i have not signed a contract and i have not been undergo any medical examination but on the afternoon of december 30, 2013 when they give me a contract i found out in the contract that the salary is lower than what we have agreed and 48 working hours is stated in the contract but the actual work done is 60 hours and also stated in the contract an annual leave of 30 days with pay but when i ask the HR manager and my co worker they said that it will happen only after 2 years, so early morning of December 31, 2013 i humbly ask the PRO to hold the processing of my employment documents an the Finance manager told me to go home and think if i will continue or not. Sir i dont want to continue and an i want find another job and the company ask me to pay 2,600 AED its a big amount of money for me sir. Sir i want to know if i can have a labor ban even if a have not undergone medical examinations and what should i do to lift the ban? Thank you and i hope that any one can advice me what to do.
hi I was terminated last October and get banned until May 2015. My employer advised me that ban will be lifted if I have an NOC with which he has given me after cancellation. My question is how does it work? will the ban lifted in my case? Please advise me what needs to be done…..
I have 1 years labor ban,since last year is the ban will lifted automatic’s as a one years complete