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We, Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates; – Upon reviewing the Constitution; 

– Federal Decree by Law No. (1) of 1972 Concerning the Competences of Ministries and  the Powers of Ministers, and Amendments thereto; 

– No. (31) of 2021 Promulgating the Crimes and Penalties Law, as amended; – Upon the proposal of the Deputy Prime and Minister of Interior, and the Cabinet  Approval; 

Have promulgated the following Law by Decree: 

Article (1) 


In application of the provisions of this Decree by Law, the following terms and expressions  shall have the meanings ascribed thereto, unless the context requires otherwise: State : United Arab Emirates (UAE). 

Ministry : Ministry of Interior 

Minister : Minister of Interior. 

Concerned Authority : The Authority concerned with DNA Fingerprinting at the General  Police Headquarters or the Competent Authority in the Emirate. 

DNA Fingerprinting : Fixed Genetic Trait or Pattern that distinguishes each person from  another. It is repeated only in rare cases such as identical twins.  

The DNA Fingerprinting is produced after analysing the DNA in  

specific and highly variable locations. 

Deoxyribonucleic  acid (DNA) 

: A biochemical molecular, is a vital compound found in the  nucleus of all cells that make up the human body (except red  blood cells). A person inherits it from his parents, and stores all 

Federal Decree by law of 2023 Concernng the Regulation of the Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database

the basic data for cell construction and the formation and  

development of the human being in specific form and traits. 

Biological Sample : A part of the human body or its biological secretions used to  determine its DNA Fingerprinting. 

DNA Analysis : A group of tests and techniques that are performed on Biological  Samples and traces to determine the traits or patterns of the DNA  


Coding DNA Regions : Areas in the DNA complex that contain instructions for building a  specific protein in the body. 

Non-Coding DNA  Regions 

: Areas in the DNA complex that do not contain instructions for  building a specific protein in the body. 

Trace : Any material linked to a Biological Sample found at a crime scene,  accident, or any other place. 

Buccal Swab : Method of taking a Biological Sample containing DNA from inside  the mouth. 

DNA Fingerprinting  Database 

: Computer system that stores DNA Fingerprinting Data related to  Biological Samples and effects on which a DNA Fingerprinting is  performed. 

Article (2) 

Objectives of the Decree by Law and Rules for its interpretation This Decree by Law aims and its provisions shall be interpreted as follows: 1. Respect the dignity of persons and the sanctity of their private lives. 2. Ensure the data confidentiality of the DNA Fingerprinting.

Federal Decree by law of 2023 Concernng the Regulation of the Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database

  1. Do not use DNA Fingerprinting Data except within the limits of the purposes stipulated in  this Decree by Law. 

Article (3) 

Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database 

A Database called the “Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database” shall be established in the  Ministry. The Minister shall issue controls, conditions, and procedures for feeding and using  the Database. 

Article (4) 

Use of Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database 

Use of Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database shall be for the following objectives: 1. Investigate crimes and identify their Perpetrators. 

  1. Identify victims ofcrises, disasters and accidents. 
  2. Identify unknown bodies, remains, or human body parts. 
  3. Identify unidentified and missing persons. 
  4. Any other objectives as decided by the Cabinet. 

Article (5) 

Data and Information Confidentiality 

  1. The data and information related to the DNA Fingerprinting entered into the Federal DNA  Fingerprinting Database shall be confidential. 
  2. The data and information related to DNA Fingerprinting may not be disclosed, circulated, or  published except in cases authorised by law. 

Article (6) 

Sources of Biological Samples 

  1. The following categories shall provide Biological Samples: 
  2. Inmates in penal and correctional facilities and those detained in criminal cases.

Federal Decree by law of 2023 Concernng the Regulation of the Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database

  1. Anyone arrested at the scene of a crime or accident or suspected of committing a felony  or misdemeanour. 
  2. Victims and those present at the crime scene to distinguish their traces from those of  suspects. 
  3. Missing or absent persons after being found. 
  4. Employees working to collect, preserve and examine Biological Samples and Records for  examining the DNA Fingerprinting. 
  5. The Ministry or the Concerned Authority shall collect the samples submitted under Clause  (1) of this Article, conduct DNA Fingerprinting, and include them in the Federal DNA  Fingerprinting Database. 
  6. The Ministry or the Concerned Authority shall collect the Biological Samples and conduct  DNA Fingerprinting, and include them in the Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database from the  following sources: 
  7. Identify traces, dead bodies, remains, or human body parts. 
  8. Personal belongings of missing or absent persons. 
  9. Employees exposed to danger or accidents due to the nature of their work. d. Volunteers for work and tasks of dangerous nature when the Federal Authority  stipulates that they shall do so before carrying out their volunteer tasks. e. Any other sources as decided by the Cabinet. 
  10. If one of the sources is a child or an incapacitated person, the Biological Sample shall not be  taken from him except in the presence of one of his parents, guardian, or person who takes  care of him upon learning of him if his identity is known. 

Article (7) 

Voluntary Bio-specimen Collection 

Any person may voluntarily submit a Bio-specimen for a DNA Fingerprinting and have it  included in the Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database for use in accordance with the purposes  specified under this Decree by Law.

Federal Decree by law of 2023 Concernng the Regulation of the Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database

Article (8) 

Methods of Biological Samples Collection 

The Ministry and the Concerned Authority shall collect Biological Samples from people using  Buccal Swab, and by resolution of the Minister. Other collection methods that do not pose any  risks to people lives or safety may be used. 

Article (9) 

Biological Samples Analysis 

  1. Employees in the Ministry and the Concerned Authority shall conduct DNA Analysis of  BiologicalSamples on the following genetic regions only: 
  2. Non-Coding DNA Regions. 
  3. The area responsible for determining sex. 
  4. Employees in the Ministry and the Concerned Authority may not: 
  5. Conduct DNA Analysis of Biological Samples on other Coding DNA Regions  responsible for determining the race, diseases, or phenotypic traits of the sample  owner, except in the following cases: 
  6. In implementation of a Court ruling. 
  7. If the samples are unidentified and taken from traces found at the accident or crime scene. b. All Biological Samples, conducting a DNA Fingerprinting, or using the Database for the purposes of proving lineage or kinship, or for any other purposes not stipulated in  Article (4) of this Decree by Law, except in implementation of a Court ruling. 

Article (10) 

Biological Samples Preservation 

The Ministry and the Concerned Authority shall preserve samples, biological traces and all  compounds resulting from them in designated places prepared for this purpose, safe from 

Federal Decree by law of 2023 Concernng the Regulation of the Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database

damage or tampering in accordance with the controls and conditions determined by a  resolution of the Minister. 

Article (11) 

Biological Samples Execution 

  1. The Ministry shall destroy the Reference Biological Sample after completing its analysis and  entering its DNA Fingerprintinginto the Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database in accordance  with the controls and conditions determined by a resolution of the Minister. 2. Biological Samples and Traces related to a crime shall not be destroyed except by Court  ruling and provided that they have been disposed of or a final ruling has been issued, as the  case may be. 

Article (12) 

DNA Fingerprinting Removal 

Save those convicted of internal and external state security crimes, the DNA Fingerprinting will  be removed from the Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database in the following cases: 1. A decision by the Public Prosecution Office or the Competent Court to remove the DNA  Fingerprinting from the Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database in the cases it is examining  according to the scope of spatial or state jurisdiction. 

  1. Thirty (30) years lapse since the date of issuance of the ruling on the crimes involving the  persons mentioned in Paragraphs (A), (B), (C) of Clause (1) of Article (6) of this Decree by Law. 3. Twenty (20) years lapse since the discovery of the missing or absent persons mentioned in  Paragraph (D) of Clause (1) of Article (6) of this Decree by Law. 
  2. Twenty (20) years lapse since the discovery of the identity of the bodies, remains, or human  remains mentioned in Paragraph (A) of Clause(3) of Article (6) of this Decree by Law. 5. Upon the request of the sample owner if he is one of the persons mentioned in Paragraphs  (C), (D), (E) of Clause (3) of Article (6) of this Decree by Law due to a change in the nature of his  work or the tasks assigned to him.

Federal Decree by law of 2023 Concernng the Regulation of the Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database

  1. Upon the request of the sample owner if he is one of the volunteers mentioned in Article (7)  of this Decree by Law. 


Article (13) 

The imposition of the penalties stipulated in this Law by Decree shall not prejudice any severer  penalty stipulated in any other law. 

Article (14) 

Temporary Imprisonment and a fine not less than (AED 20,000) and not exceeding (AED  100,000) AED shall be imposed on any person who: 

  1. Use the Federal DNA Database to prove lineage or kinship without a Court ruling. 2. Use the Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database for purposes other than those specified in this  Decree by Law. 
  2. Disclose, circulate or publish the data contained in the Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database  in violation of the provisions stipulated in this Decree by Law. 
  3. Modify or delete a DNA Fingerprinting, issue inaccurate data, or conceal its correspondence  in bad faith. 
  4. Destroy Biological Samples or traces in violation of the provisions stipulated in this Decree  by Law. 
  5. Use the Biological Samples collected in accordance with the provisions of this Decree by Law  for purposes other than those stipulated therein. 

Article (15) 

A fine of no less than (AED 5,000) five thousand Dirhams and no more than (AED 20,000)  twenty thousand Dirhams shall be imposed if those mentioned in Clause (1) of Article (6) of  this Decree by Law refrain from giving the Biological Sample without an acceptable excuse.

Federal Decree by law of 2023 Concernng the Regulation of the Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database

Article (16) 

Save the penalties prescribed for the crimes stipulated in this Decree by Law, anyone who  violates any other provision of this Decree by Law and the decisions regulating it shall be  punished by imprisonment and a fine not exceeding (AED 100,000) one hundred thousand  Dirhams, or by one of these two penalties. 

Article (17) 

Unknown DNA Fingerprinting 

If a DNA Fingerprinting of unknown origin is discovered in any of the crimes of terrorism,  murder, rape, sex crimes against children, serious crimes, or in major accidents and disasters,  and that DNA Fingerprinting does not match any other DNA Fingerprinting in the Federal DNA  Fingerprinting Database, the Ministry may research and exchange this DNA Fingerprinting  Data with health authorities, laboratories, and bio-banks operating in the State, or with entities  concerned with the DNA Fingerprinting outside the State, with the aim of identifying its  owners in accordance with the legislation in force in the State, while taking into account the  privacy and confidentiality of this Fingerprinting Data. 

Article (18) 

Jobs of Dangerous Nature 

  1. By a resolution of the Minister, a Committee shall be formed whose membership includes  members from the Relevant Authorities to identify and propose jobs of a dangerous nature  from which Biological Samples shall be collected from their occupants, provided that a  resolution shall be issued by the Minister to determine these jobs based on the Committee  proposal. 
  2. The occupants of the positions stipulated in the Minister resolution shall enable the Ministry  or the Concerned Authority to take the sample. 
  3. The Administrative Authorities responsible for the occupants of the positions stipulated in  Clause (1) of this Article shall take their measures to enable the Ministry and the Concerned 

Federal Decree by law of 2023 Concernng the Regulation of the Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database

Authority to collect Biological Samples from the occupants of those positions and determine  the consequences of their abstention from providing the sample. 

Article (19) 


Any provision that violates or contradicts the provisions of this Decree by Law shall be  repealed. 

Article (20) 

Publication and Entry Into Force of Decree by Law 

This Law by Decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall enter into force as of  01.11.2023. 

Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan 

President of the United Arab Emirates 

Issued by us at the Presidential Palace – Abu Dhabi: 

On: September 28, 2023 corresponding to: 

Rabi’ al-Awwal 13, 1445 H

Federal Decree by law of 2023 Concernng the Regulation of the Federal DNA Fingerprinting Database