Naturally, a mined economy — one filled with massive investments, and overseen by large financial institutions and economic entities — encourages wealth creation and prosperity. However, such economic growth also drives an increase in crime, particularly UAE fraud masked as legitimate commerce.
We present UAE fraud as a common financial crime.
Article 399 of the UAE Federal Law No. 3 of 1987 (as amended) (the ‘Penal Code’).
The general perception is that fraud just means deceiving someone, yet the crime has aspects of law that are far more nuanced.
Fraud is defined under UAE law as illegally obtaining or receiving money, movable property, or immovable property that belongs to another person through fraudulent means. For these sorts of deception to be fraud, they have to be able to convince the victim to give up their property.
While deception plays a key role, it alone does not constitute fraud. Instead, the crime requires both deceit and fraudulent actions that lead to the unlawful acquisition of property or assets.
Exploitation of Position
This type of impersonation happens when a criminal takes on a false identity with the intent of influencing a victim’s reaction. As an illustration, a scammer might pose as an attorney to gain sensitive information. I know that although this deception is a lie, Article 399 of the Penal Code does not explicitly consider it as identity fraud and, therefore, simple UAE fraud.
UAE fraud is slightly different where, the scammer plays their actual role but leverages the trust associated with their title to scam and deceive the victim. For example, a cop might arrest a target and then persuade him to pay a nonexistent fee.
Unlike past cases, where the fraudster assumes a false identity, the fraudster abuses their role and plants false elements to defraud the victim. In such situations, the judiciary generally recognizes the abuse of a position or office as a fraudulent act under fraud law.
Distinguishing Deceit and UAE Fraud
Fraud law is well defined in the UAE Penal Code Article 399 which indicates serious implications. Fortuna also has a provision dealing with inducing money or documents by fraud, including via false identities and impersonation. The law went further to specifically punish attempted fraud, signaling the UAE’s zero tolerance for fraudulent behavior.
Certain essential elements must be present to constitute fraud under Article 399. Such acts are utilizing the false identity, to misrepresent the capacity, intentionally disposing of the property that does not belong to the offender, and falsely replicating the actions already performed by others. Proving fraud in the UAE involves three fundamental conditions, which judges assess at their own discretion:
- The deception has to involve compelling the victim to do something that person wouldn’t otherwise do like transferring the title to property.
- The perpetrator’s acts must effectively deceive the victim.
- Any of these acts must look like they are allowed and legal to the average Joe.
If these conditions are met, the act is considered fraudulent. Penalties are harsh, including incarceration and financial penalties. A conviction carries a prison term of between one and three years, and up to six in aggravated cases. The punishment in fraud case in UAE is the best prevention against misleading conduct and keeps strict assurance of fraud law in UAE.
The governing Article 399 of the UAE Penal Code provides for severe safeguards against cheating. The best explanation for this is that fraud includes tight senses of deceit and misconduct, which cause the illegal acquisition of property. The law makes it a crime for anyone to use a false identity or to misrepresent themselves to the public, or to whoever else in authority, in such a way as to take advantage of their position of authority or influence.
To establish fraud, three main conditions must be satisfied: the deception must induce the victim to act, the fraudster’s actions must be persuasive, and the act must seem proper. Thanks to strict punishment for fraud cases in UAE, the nation upholds its zero-tolerance policy against fraudulent actions, and this makes a very strict deterrent against financial crimes.
If you are facing fraud-related charges or need legal guidance, consulting a criminal lawyer UAE is crucial. Khairallah Law Firm offers expert legal support, ensuring the best defense and compliance with UAE fraud laws.
Having said that, Contact Khairallah Advocates & Legal Consultants and benefit from our free 30-min legal consultation.
*Disclaimer: our blogs, law updates and FAQ’s are freely distributed for educational purposes and to showcase recent updates and regulations in the UAE’s framework.
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